I know, I know, I'm a little late with the NY greetings; but hey, the important thing is that I delivered, right? As you can see, the year started a little wet for me (the explanation's below). Here's another update from me:
November - December 2009
Unfortunately I missed Thanksgiving at the Cids' due to my car being out of service and my lost cell phone. I guess my absence at Thanksgiving dinner and calls to my cell phone and work numbers going unreturned as far as me attending raised some fear in everyone. So much so, Steve & Chuck drove all the way down from LA after dinner to check in on me. I was able to explain to them why I wasn't at dinner and why their calls went unanswered--sorry for the scare!
My car petered out on me after several major repairs on a desolate stretch of I-15 south while I was headed home after a visit to the Favero's. Rather than spend more money on another repair...I did it, bought another car, or truck that is--a 2008 Toyota Tacoma, Pre-Runner model with just over 14,000 miles on it. I love this truck!
Celebrated Ryan's b-day and Christmas at the Favero's. As always, they know how to throw a party and make sure everyone goes home with a few days worth of food. Thanks Steve, Deb and Ryan, I can always count on my grocery bill being lowered during the month of December!
Our department had it's annual Christmas luncheon at a local resort and it was nice to be able to hang out, drink some wine, beer, eat, and kick back away from the office for a day!
January 2010
Celebrated my 40th b-day on the 8th. I thought I was going to have a quiet weekend and reflect. But lo and behold, some good friends of mine came down from LA and VB and helped me celebrate. Their wives think they're safe with me because I was somewhat of a model citizen (polite, college student, kept them focused and out of trouble, etc.) when we all used to hang out; but the truth of the matter is, you would've thought my b-day party was a bachelor party and they were the one's that got me in trouble! Let's put it this way, what happens in SD, stays in SD!
During the week of the 18th, most of SoCal got drenched with some serious storms! Unfortunately, OB flooded...not once, but twice! The pics at the top of the post explain it all! They were taken in the alley directly behind my building and the trash cans you see in one of the pics were actually floating in the water! All of the downstairs units in my building flooded. As a result, before we were able to move back in to our apartments, the carpet in our units had to be removed and the units had to be dehumidified and air-dried before tile flooring was installed to replace the carpet. I actually like the tile (pics #2 and #3) better than the carpet and luckily me and the landlords were able to get all of my bachelor pad essentials: flat screen TV, stereo receiver, PS3 and major furniture out before the January 20th flood. The pics were taken on Monday, January 18th; and the second storm that hit the area on Wednesday, the 20th made Monday's flooding look like child's play!
November - December 2009
Unfortunately I missed Thanksgiving at the Cids' due to my car being out of service and my lost cell phone. I guess my absence at Thanksgiving dinner and calls to my cell phone and work numbers going unreturned as far as me attending raised some fear in everyone. So much so, Steve & Chuck drove all the way down from LA after dinner to check in on me. I was able to explain to them why I wasn't at dinner and why their calls went unanswered--sorry for the scare!
My car petered out on me after several major repairs on a desolate stretch of I-15 south while I was headed home after a visit to the Favero's. Rather than spend more money on another repair...I did it, bought another car, or truck that is--a 2008 Toyota Tacoma, Pre-Runner model with just over 14,000 miles on it. I love this truck!
Celebrated Ryan's b-day and Christmas at the Favero's. As always, they know how to throw a party and make sure everyone goes home with a few days worth of food. Thanks Steve, Deb and Ryan, I can always count on my grocery bill being lowered during the month of December!
Our department had it's annual Christmas luncheon at a local resort and it was nice to be able to hang out, drink some wine, beer, eat, and kick back away from the office for a day!
January 2010
Celebrated my 40th b-day on the 8th. I thought I was going to have a quiet weekend and reflect. But lo and behold, some good friends of mine came down from LA and VB and helped me celebrate. Their wives think they're safe with me because I was somewhat of a model citizen (polite, college student, kept them focused and out of trouble, etc.) when we all used to hang out; but the truth of the matter is, you would've thought my b-day party was a bachelor party and they were the one's that got me in trouble! Let's put it this way, what happens in SD, stays in SD!
During the week of the 18th, most of SoCal got drenched with some serious storms! Unfortunately, OB flooded...not once, but twice! The pics at the top of the post explain it all! They were taken in the alley directly behind my building and the trash cans you see in one of the pics were actually floating in the water! All of the downstairs units in my building flooded. As a result, before we were able to move back in to our apartments, the carpet in our units had to be removed and the units had to be dehumidified and air-dried before tile flooring was installed to replace the carpet. I actually like the tile (pics #2 and #3) better than the carpet and luckily me and the landlords were able to get all of my bachelor pad essentials: flat screen TV, stereo receiver, PS3 and major furniture out before the January 20th flood. The pics were taken on Monday, January 18th; and the second storm that hit the area on Wednesday, the 20th made Monday's flooding look like child's play!
Here's my TV debut: http://nbcsandiego.com/news/local-beat/Rain-Trashed-Ocean-Beach-Alley-82051797.html. My apartment is the lighted one behind my neighbor Mercy, during her interview with NBC 7. I was able to help Matt & Eric help with clearing the drain for a short time; and by the time the news crew arrived, the water level in the alley and my place had dropped considerably!
I have no idea how Artie and his cameraman knew about what happened...must have been a slow day in the news! Despite what some of the bloggers think about the local rep of OB being a haven for pot-fueled hippies and surfers, yes I would have to agree with that assessment; however, there's plenty of us non-pot smoking citizens of the community who enjoy the laid-back attitude of 'hood. There's even a City Attorney who I ride to work with on the bus everyday who also enjoys the laid-back lifestyle of OB! Believe it or not, us suits have the ability to kick back too!
During the raining, flooding, dehumidifying, and air-drying last week, I spent time in hotel rooms and returned this past Monday nite (the 25th). I slept the first 3 nites in a Motel 6 and the last 3 nites in a $200/nite room (which was almost the entire size of my place, had a flat screen TV, an incredible bed and private balcony) at a Marriott that one of my co-workers and her firefighter husband got me for $39/nite! It pays to have connections, let me tell ya! Fortunately, I have great landlords who worked diligently to get us back into our places. My neighbors were awesome as well 'cause they texted and e-mailed the downstairs neighbors with updates on storm damage, repairs, etc. I tell you what, I'm glad to be home!
Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous 2010!
Your place flooded? That's crazy- glad it's back to normal! Thanks for the update!
Renter's Insurance!?!? Good thinkin'! That's stinkin' crazy!!! I'll have to get your autograph the next time we're together! LOL Glad all worked out alright!!
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