Wha's up folks? I'm about to tell you my 'What I Did Over the Summer' story. I took a short vaca from the grind to spend time at Lake Havasu with the peeps... Enjoy!
I tell you what, I'm sprung on the Lake! Wow, what can I say? Between the natural, untouched beauty of the Colorado River basin and the cool, laid-back vibe of the boaters in LH, I'm totally hooked and already looking forward to next year's trip! Yes, it was definitely hot...and the fact that it was 106 degrees on my first day out and around 116 degrees the next day (with nighttime lows in the low-90s), still didn't hamper the fun I had! Pretty significant, considering us San Diegans consider anything above 75 degrees hot!
According to the research I did about the area before we headed out, the Lake as well as the rest of the Colorado River basin system--which stretches north from Lake Mead, just south of Vegas, south to the Mexican border supplies a good deal of the drinking water and some electrical energy generation to SoCal, Arizona, and southern Nevada; so it serves a very practical purpose as well as a fun playground for the thirsty citizens of the desert southwest!
Day 1 - Friday, July 24th
Cindy, Dad and I arrived in LH after a 3+ hour drive from Beaumont at the home Steve, Deb and Ryan scored for the summer. Spent some time with Dave, Deena, Steve and Sam who had come earlier in the week from L.A. (Go Dodgers!) to hang out (they left early Saturday). Jeez, I can't believe how big, talkative and active Ryan has gotten! As always, it was good to see everybody and hang out. Just before dinner, Steve took the boys on a field trip to a boat showroom where we got to see some unreal and very expensive water toys!
Day 2 - Saturday, July 25th
Went out on the Favero's boat with the peeps, hung out on one of LH's many coves in the water, drank cold beer (Coors Lite seemed to be LH's choice of brew) and I was invited to and tried wakeboarding from the boat of a friend of one of Steve's buds--trust me, it's easier than it looks (although Steve 'the veterano boarder' got some serious air on his rides). Despite the hot weather, our high-speed cruising on the boat in the water and periodic stops in the Lake for a quick dips made it bearable. After cruising around for most of the afternoon and getting lunch from a floating fast-food vessel, we hung out at LH's channel area after the day on the lake--see Day 3 for details on the channel.
Day 3 - Sunday, July 26th
Boys' day out (Steve and Dad on the Favero's boat and me and one of Steve's buds on his boat). Very cool! I got some Boating 101 and LH geography tips from Steve's bud --also named Gary, jumped off a small cliff in the Copper Canyon section of the lake into the water, and after crusing around for a while, we had lunch, cruised the lake some more, and finally 'beached' our boats at the 'channel' section of the lake. Think of a water version of any city's main drag where instead of cars, people cruise their watercraft. There's music blaring from the parked boats along the river shore, people doing beer bongs, and participating in other raucous activity, etc.--which included a fight we witnessed between a few young women on one of the boats and their subsequent arrests by LHPD! The channel scene was unreal and very fun!
It really helped that the water was around 90 degrees and most spots along the channel water shore were shallow enough to just sit, stand, dunk, chat with other boat owners, chug Coors Lite, and stay cool while watching the boats go past (some of which according to Steve were valued at well in excess of $100K)! Just like the coastal surfing community, the LH boating scene has it's own set of rules, etiquette, flamboyancy, etc!
Day 4 - Monday, July 27th
Cindy, Dad and I split LH for our lives back in urban SoCal.
Day 5 - Tuesday, July 28th
Rested in OB and took advantage of the mid-week day off to get some errands done without the crowds.
Props to Steve, Deb and Ryan for having me in their summer stomping ground! This was by far one of the best 'What I Did Over the Summer' summers I've had in years!
P.S. The first pic was actually taken in Summer '08 when the Favero's, and Chuck and Cindy came down to San Diego (Solana Beach); and thanks to Chuck's photography skills for capturing our trip... Pardon the spacing problems again.
Love your descriptions of LH and the lively bunch that occupy it in the peak season. Sounds like you are already counting down to the next trip... I really wish that we could have gone down. Something about dealing with 110+ temps with water around seems so much more enticing than 110+ temps and being surrounded with moving boxes and paint cans. I'm going to call ahead and reserve our spot for next year for sure!
Boy oh Boy...I too love your descriptions of your trip..you sure have made me want to go visit LH...Travis had a chance to go too this summer and will for sure go again...must me some kind of special powers there. Hope to check it out for myself some day...
Thanks for your comments on our "fence" posting... yes.. we've learned a lot in our short time as home-owners!...They are using the eavesment for PPUE, does that mean anything?... Yes... we have to maintain the eavesment. I think that's what was killing us inside... thinking it was so much that Jennah couldn't use. We don't pay an HOA... but we do have a "special tax" (that's what THEY call it... we have another name for it that's not lady-like to say). Whatever...I will still have a bigger yard than the others... which means my value has already gone up. Thank you home builder!... (as I write this, I hear the workers outside relocating the fence posts)...
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